7 Types of helmets for motorcycle | Safest motorcycle helmet 2021

7 min readApr 7, 2021

Are you looking for best motorcycle helmet for your comfort ride? Here we are going to tell you 7 types of helmets for motorcycle. And also mentioned why we should use helmet as well as importance of helmet.

We need to fully bear the responsibility of protecting our head while riding the motorcycle. That is why you should choose a better motorcycle helmet and Safest motorcycle helmet. Which is not only attractive to wear but also provides strong and comfortable riding.

Motorcycle helmets are considered the most safety equipment when we ride a bike or motorcycle. And it is considered to be the best and most important gear among the gears of the motorcycle, which works to protect our head.

Importance of wearing a helmet while riding a Motorcycle

Importance of wearing a helmet while riding a Motorcycle is that motorcycle helmets are considered to be the most important in motorcycle gear when we ride bikes.

When we ride a motorcycle by wearing a motorcycle helmet, then in such a time, the motorcycle helmet not only makes our look even better but also protects us when we get a bike accident.

And when we ride a motorcycle wearing a helmet, then the risk of accident there is reduced and the risk of death also decreases. The risk of accident reduce to about 69% and the risk of death to 42%.

Here are the mentioned about How to check the original helmet? Read this for better understand about best motorcycle helmet.

List of 7 Types of helmets for motorcycle

Types of helmets for motorcycle 2021

Today we will talk about the types of motorcycle helmets and also talk about which helmet you should choose. Because in all types of motorcycles and bikes, different types of helmets are used for comfortable.

Here we have mentioned about 7 safest types of motorcycle helmets. Which has been told to guide you completely, what is the importance of the helmet. And which helmets are considered perfect to use in motorcycles and bikes.

Because we do not just want a helmet that looks attractive but we also want a helmet that is completely safety in terms of safety. And in the case of comfortable, you provide completely comfortable.

Therefore, we need to select a helmet that is made by testing. And this bike provides comfort while riding or riding a motorcycle.

Here are the Full guide about 9 Different types of motorcycle helmets

Full Face helmet
Half face helmet
Open Face helmet
Dual Sport helmet
Modular helmet
Off Road helmet
Smart helmet

Full Face helmet

Full-face helmets are considered to be the most comfortable and attractive design helmets compared to all other helmets and Safest motorcycle helmet.

The full-face helmet covers all areas of the head, whether it is the area above the head or the area on both sides on our head. And this helmet is considered the most commonly used helmet.

A full-face helmet is considered to be a better and comfortable helmet designed to protect our heads completely when our motorcycle accident. Therefore full face helmet considered one of the best types of helmets for motorcycle.

Full-face helmets are slightly smaller in weight than other types of helmets. And protection also does more. In this helmet, along with the visor, Bluetooth facility is also provided.

If you want to use a full face helmet, then you need to use a better brand that is made by testing. By using this helmet, you can get away from worrying completely while riding the motorcycle that it will protect your head completely.

Half face helmet

Half face helmet does not cover your entire head but covers the top of your head. Basically this types of motorcycle helmet designed to cover your head above the eyebrows.

And although most of your face is uncovered. That is why the Half face helmet is not considered more comfortable than any other helmet.

Half face helmet also provides a buckle feature that you can do to tight the helmet. If we are talking about the protection of the eyes, then the visor is not provided in it.

And if you need to care for eye protection, then you will need to take glasses separately. Half helmet does not have any inbuilt Bluetooth facility, hence allows you to use Bluetooth separately.

Open Face helmet

The Open Face helmet is considered more comfortable and safer than the Half face helmet. And this types of motorcycle helmet is also considered slightly lighter than full face helmets.

The open face helmet is also known as 3/4 because it is designed to cover the maximum area of ​​your head.

The open face helmet covers the top of your head as well as the back of your head. There are also visors on the front side which does not allow dust to come into your face while riding motorcycle.

Dual Sport helmet

The Dual Sport helmet is also known as Endure or Hybrid helmets. This helmet is usually a full-face helmet in appearance, but it is a mixture between a full-face helmet and an off-road helmet.

The Dual Sport helmet provides more padding in which you can use external Bluetooth very easily.

The visor is also provided for safety, so that you can prevent the dust from coming in eyes when riding a motorcycle or bicycle.

And the Dual Sport helmet has visor provided which can be removed and used when needed.

Ventilation is also put to good use in this types of helmets for motorcycle. Which we can use in the summer season to allow air to enter, although it can be closed if not needed.

Modular helmet

Modular helmet is also considered a better types of motorcycle helmet and Safest motorcycle helmet. And is made to provide full comfortable while riding the motorcycle.

The modular helmet is a mixture between a full-face helmet and an open-face helmet. It is considered safer than open face helmets but not more safe than full face helmets.

The modular helmet can move the visor upwards and it is also very easy to use in the shape of an open face helmet. And you can also use it as a full-face helmet after closing it completely.

Modular helmet also provides the facility of Bluetooth and Visor so that we can use it to listen to songs and calls attend. And through the visor we can also use it for sun protection.

Off Road helmet

This types of helmets for motorcycle is not used in a general road, but is made for use in dusty soil and hilly roads.

The Off Road helmet is lightweight and is made with maximum protection. Which is considered a better and comfortable motorcycle helmet designed to be used in areas such as hills, trees, and dusty soils.

Off Road helmet considered Safest motorcycle helmet that built as full face helmet and open face helmet. In this helmet ventilation is also provided so that you can allow air inside the head after opening ventilation.

Visors are also provided in it to protect from sunlight, so that you can open and close even if you do not need it.

If we talk more Protection about Off Road helmet, you do not feel pain in one neck and your back when riding a motorcycle or bicycle wearing an off road helmet.

Because this helmet is made in such a way that it is comfortably fit in your neck, the main reason for this is that the Off Road helmet is light weight.

Smart helmet

Smart helmet is a Safest motorcycle helmet, great helmet that made with the latest technology to provide all the features that are safety, comfortable, and neck rest.

Ventilation is also provided in this helmet, so we can say that you can enjoy riding a motorcycle in the summer season.

The smart helmet also has a Bluetooth feature that you can use to access calls and access music.

You can setting up the registered mobile number in this type of helmet. When the motorcycle accident occurs, a notification is sent to its register number. Due to which the quick possible to arrive soon in the accident place.

This types of helmets for motorcycle is made in the form of very safety. So it is a little more expensive than a normal helmet but in terms of comfort, it is also the most comfortable.

Conclusion: Types of helmets for motorcycle

Here we mentioned 7 types of helmets for motorcycle which are different types of motorcycles helmets that used for different types of road.

All types of motorcycle helmets have their own facilities and features. But if you want to choose a better helmet. Then our opinion would be to use a testing helmet. Even if that DOT or ISI approved helmet.

It depends on the country that the helmet is tested separately in all the countries. But you should choose the such types of helmets for motorcycle that made by testing.

Most people buy expensive bike but when it comes time to buy helmets, they prefer to choose cheap helmets. But let me tell you that these habits are not correct. Because a cheap helmet does not fully protect your head after an accident, and it may be that a cheap helmet may not protect you properly.

After reading this post you will be clear who the Safest motorcycle helmet is and what types of helmets for motorcycle we need to choose.




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